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Showing posts from January, 2015

iOS 8.1.3 - New Configuration Options for Testing

Two days ago, Apple released the newest iteration of iOS 8 called iOS 8.1.3.  This update includes multiple changes behind the scenes, but the change that interested me was the line that references new configuration options for testing.  Given that little tidbit, I started a quest to find out exactly what those options included.  Turns out, Apple hasn't posted them to the web. Hitting a dead end, I decided to turn to a couple of contacts who work for Apple.  After some researching, a Solutions Engineer sent back the following: Here are the things iOS 8.1.3 includes for the education testing requirements: iOS 8.1.3 includes the following new management features that can be suppressed on supervised iOS devices: Dictionary QuickType predictive keyboard Spell check AutoCorrection To summarize, you can now configure the devices using Configurator or your favorite MDM solution to block features that could have made testing on an iPad unfair.  ...

So we made a 3D printer ...

Made is probably a bit leading.  More like assembled.  We purchased a RoStock Max Delta Style 3D printer from the fine folks at SeeMeCNC in Goshen, Indiana for roughly $1000.00.  To be fair we could have ordered it assembled for a few hundred dollars more but where's the fun in that?  We also thought it would be a good idea to truly understand how the machine works if we built, er assembled, it from scratch.  That way if we, or anyone that used the printer, ever had issues we would actually be able to assist. To back up just a bit John, Tonya Snyder and I traveled to visit the company in the fall.  We were able to see their facility and speak with JJ.  He is a former Goshen High School teacher that became so adept at using the 3D printer in his class that SeeMeCNC hired him to be their first ever education consultant.  It was his instructions we were later following as we sat in front of a large box. If you are interested in tackling this p...

Using Social Media for Yourself and Your Students

Everyday in America, students and teachers alike sit through many lectures racing to keep up with the information that is being presented in order to have complete notes. In the process, you are only hearing every third word and are missing key concepts that are being shared. How many of you have left PD sessions with hand cramps? Think about how your students feel! There is an answer to this problem that can be found in the use of social media. Through tools such as Twitter, note taking becomes an interactive activity rather than a menial task of writing fast. “Now wait” you say, “Twitter is blocked in my district”. No worries, I have you covered. Social media does not always have to be Twitter and Facebook. Any time that you can use a site to interact with each other, you are using a social media tool. Sites such as , and allow you similar functions as Twitter in terms of communicating with others. Let’s take . This ...