It's taken a few days to digest all of the inventive and interactive maker activities and experiences that we enjoyed at the World Maker Faire in NYC. To sum it up in one sentence, the maker movement is global! When we arrive in New York, we attended the Producer's Workshop and Education Forum presented by Make Magazine. The producer's workshop was a gathering of folks like us who organize Maker Faire's all over the world. There was representation from Canada, the U.K., and as far away as Qatar! We are going to definitely be integrating some of the ideas from this session in our upcoming Faire on June 4th, 2016! The Education Forum was amazing as well! The afternoon was structured so that different experts were put on panels to discuss topics each hour. We heard about a school district in Virginia that is incorporating the maker philosophy in ALL of their classrooms every day! Dr. Bart Rocco, from the Elizabeth Forwar...