In 2005, Dale Dougherty, through Maker Media, launched Make Magazine. This has proven to be a catalyst for what is now known as the Maker Movement. In 2006, to celebrate what was being created from the magazine and in the world at large, Maker Faire was born. The first faire was held in the San Francisco Bay Area and attracted over 20,000 attendees. In 2015, more than 1.2 million people will have attended over 150 events all over the globe. Locally, we are proud that our own event - the Southwest Michigan Mini Maker Faire contributed over 1,200 attendees! But what I am most happy to say is that the art of making and creating is alive in classrooms all over our area and spreading. The folks at Maker Media have been busy again lately, providing several excellent opportunities to help your classroom, school, and community. One of the first places to start is Maker Ed . This site provides a powerful resource library and a ‘playbook’...